In a world full of diet and weight loss misinformation, choosing which foods to consume and which to avoid can be a maze.
Bananas are generally dubbed the worst fruit for weight loss. Because a medium banana has 14 grams of natural sugar, this mistake often arises.
Mangoes are good for weight loss, despite appearances! These juicy tropical fruits provide 99 calories and 3 grams of fiber per cup.
Besides their acidic taste, pineapples can help you lose weight. Black says pineapple includes bromelain, which improves glucose metabolism and insulin resistance, balancing blood sugar.
An apple a day helps manage weight and prevent disease! “Apples are low in calories and high in water and fiber, which can help you stay fuller for longer
Grapes aren't weight-loss villains despite their high natural sugar content. Despite their low calorie count (104 per cup), these juicy jewels are high in water, which Black says helps hydrate and satisfy.
Avocados have more calories and fat than the other fruits on our list, but they're nutritious and should be on your plate. One avocado includes 13.5 grams of fiber and 1 gram of sugar.